I provide an emergency service. On weekends it’s usually hard to find a criminal lawyer. I offer my emergency service only for Hamburg.
If you need help because a person has been arrested, contact me.
I will visit the person in Hamburg prison immediately.
As I am often in Holstenglacis prison in Hamburg, which is close to my office, I can ask relatively quickly if the arrested person needs a lawyer.
Please tell me what language the person speaks. If I do not speak the language, I will go there with a interpreter. You do not need to have a lawyer who speaks your language. There are good interpreters.
The first days after arrest are the most important days. Don’t hesitate. Because many defendants get a lawyer from the court, and are unhappy with the lawyer. But they don’t say it right away. Then the defense attorney has to be changed.
The lawyer who comes from the family also enjoys greater trust.
I need the first name and full surname of the arrested person. The birthday is important to find the person. There are three detention centres for prisoners on remand in Hamburg.
The data can be sent encrypted to my mobile phone number +49 176 48275739.